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I have spent many years learning from exceptional teachers and most of my working life has been spent helping others. I love what I do and I am excited to share my knowledge with you. 

All of the services I offer are integral parts of my own personal health and well-being routine. The information I share with you comes from many years of personal practice and development. I am not interested in fads or trends, I am interested in what works, what will allow me to expand my awareness and grow and develop. We only have one life, so why not make it awesome and experience what life has to offer. Join me on the journey and I will do my best to help you develop the tools you need to live a fully engaged life; crush your self-limiting beliefs and exceed your own expectations. Here's summary of my relevant experience:


Movement and Martial Arts


I have been studying TaeKwon-Do (TKD) since 1990 and currently hold a 5th degree black belt. I ran my own successful TKD school in Cumbria for 20 years. 


I am a Budokon Mixed Movement Athlete and have completed over 1000 hours of training with the Budokon Founder Cameron Shayne. I am a Budokon Yoga and Mobility teacher and a Budokon Martial Artist. 


In a past life I have been an endurance athlete and competed in many long distance running events.




I began studying meditation in 2004 and my main teachers are Rob Nairn, Donal Creedon and Mingyur Rinpoche.


I attend meditation retreats each year to deepen my own practice and to date I have spent over a year on a variety of meditation retreats in India, South Africa and the U.K.


I graduated with a Studies in Mindfulness Masters Degree from the University of Aberdeen in 2013 and was invited back to teach on the same programme.


I am a lead tutor for the Mindfulness Association and have taught on all of their one year courses (mindfulness, compassion, insight and mindfulness for life).


I am currently employed as the Lead Mindfulness Facilitator in the NHS in Cumbria. I set up this project in 2015 and offer mindfulness and compassion interventions to staff as part of a health and well being initiative. 


Breathwork and Cold Immersion


I am a certified breathwork instructor (including Wim Hof Method) and I run workshops throughout the year as well as supporting a community of breathwork and cold immersion enthusiasts in Cumbria. 




I trained for 4 years in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy.


I spent over 20 years working with at risk youth in the U.S. and the U.K.


I have specialised as a Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Counsellor for many years.


I am an NLP Practitioner.


I now offer a Mindfulness Coaching approach in my work with clients


For Fun


I have lived in Cumbria in the U.K. since 2002 (prior to this I lived in Texas for 8 years) and spend most of my free time in the lakes and mountains hiking, running and practicing cold immersion (Wim Hof style). Each year my friends and I take turns picking a Country and we embark on a self-guided cycling challenge for a few weeks. So far we have cycled Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Northern Laos, Japan and Easter Island and have hiked to Machu Picchu. Next up Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet and Iceland. Oh and I bought a paddle board during the lockdown just like everyone else. 



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Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork with Ian Rigg

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