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Regular Class Schedule


Classes are offered all year round in a variety of locations in and around Penrith, Cumbria. All classes are by invitation only, with different pricing structures depending on how many classes you attend. Please get in touch to see if spaces are available in the classes you would like to join. 


January is the main intake for new students!


The regular class schedule includes the following:


Budokon Yoga, Mobility and Animal Locomotion


Monday from 6-7pm at Hunsonby Community Centre, Hunsonby, Penrith CA10 1PN


Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm at Beaconside Junior School, Eden Mount, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 8EN


Wednesday from 6-7pm at Langwathby Village Hall, Langwathby, Cumbria, CA10 1NQ


Body Combat HIT Class


Learn how to punch and kick properly by using focus mitts / shields and working with a partner. You can work at your own pace and make this class a challenge. We will also include elements of basic self-defence in this class. 


Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-6:45pm at Beaconside Junior School, Eden Mount, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 8EN




Regular drop in session for people with some experience of meditation on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:15pm on Zoom. 


Wim Hof Method Fundamentals training


Regular workshops throughout the year.



Breathwork and cold immersion drop ins for graduates of the WHM training by invitation only


Breathwork classes


Mindfulness Coaching


1:1 mindfulness coaching and bespoke training is available upon request and an additional schedule of workshops and retreats is offered throughout the year.







Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork with Ian Rigg

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